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It started with noises I didnt give much though of it in the beginning because who really thinks
something will happen to them you have to be over the border paranoid to have those kind of thoughts
you see it all over the internet, in papers in books and in memories of some people you meet mysterious things happen unexplained events that do not really fall into the category of reality but those are just rumored stories some even go as far as mark the teller insane it isnt until you have witnessed it first hand that it begins to become real because how can we really believe what others see hear or what they experience these are not our eyes not our ears not our experiences I too was an unbeliever and here is how I began to believe.

I was around 17 I had just moved with my family to a new house a bigger one my dad had landed a new job now our lives were going to chance i´m not a historian but I could tell by the looks of it the house was old you could hear the cracking in the night but those are not the sounds I speak of every house has it´s unique sound a clock moving, an electronic running the wind outside hitting the window and the people as they are unique they all have their own sound. I always felt that my house was peaceful I at least could fall asleep listening to the fan working properly. The first few nights were far over my expetacions as a reward for finishing school the first part of the journey and entering the middle part I was given a new bed a bit of a late gift because we didnt have money at the time now it feelt like i was laying on air the old one became a rock in my mind I could have slept forever my first night there I was so exhausted the second night it just improved and the third and so on it did for weeks I was finally feeling like a happy human being that now all the pieces were in place then one night I woke up in terror soaked with my own sweat it took me sometime to grasp it was all a dream it felt so real i´ve never told anyone about that dream how could I everything was so perfect now and everybody were so happy I didn´t want to ruin it but that dream should have been my first sign. Everything was quite and I was standing in the middle of my room at my old house looking at my old bed and there was this light over it everything else in the room didn´t catch my attention like the bed I looked at it for awhile then I laid down on it and fell asleep and I found myself dreaming of the new house me standing in the middle of my room looking at the new bed and it just felt so dark the only light there was outside but the strange thing is it would not enter through the window it would just gently touch it but not shine in then I walked to my new bed I laid down on it and I felt something moving under me I turn my head and I´m laying on a pile of spiders I scream and scream then I see a shadowy man just a shadow figure with this weird sense to him wearing a hat just looking down at me he didn´t have eyes nor a face but I knew he was looking because he said I can see then my whole body becomes paralyzed it become impossible to move and I felt myself falling down in my mind deeper and deeper it wasnt until I felt myself slipping away that I rose up with unbelievable strenght and I found myself staring at the ceiling so it was all a dream I thought I was afraid to sleep in my bed for days did it anyway because a boy around my age couldnt have any fear it was not manly not grown up like it´s only child like to fear a dream. That dream stayed in my mind for along time I don´t know if it is just me or other people do this as well, well whenever I have a dream I try to find the meaning in it and to me it all meant that I was afraid of the changes that the old was comforting and the new was scary but I knew I would adapt how could I not adapt to a better life as I was told was about to be.

The shadow man never though went out of my mind whenever I thought of him saw him in my mind I felt his pressence it was not evil in nature nor was it good it was just confusing and still is so I began to do my resource and I could find a lot these beings are very well known in our world shadowy figures that have shapes of men and are often seen wearing hats and people speak of both good and bad things some say they are here to help others say the obbesite anyway at that point I started to slightly believe that maybe I had an experience a real experience of an unknown origin for months my sleeping was peaceful the only dreams I had were about a girl I had met that was out of my league so she was dream material it wasnt until one night after I was really exhausted stayed up for way to long watching a movie I had a hard time falling asleep that night but in the end I did I wake up paralyzed as before and terrified but after a lot of panicking I tried to move tried one muslce at a time finger then hand and it worked I was loose and I ran to my parents bedroom opened the door with so much noise that I woke them up and they seemed fine they couldnt understand why I was barking up their door in the middle of the night I had no answers but I knew in my mind why it was because of the dream I woke up from paralyzed I dreamt that shadowy figure after shadowy figure were passing through my parents bedroom door and I stand there in the stairwell try to help but I´m pulled some kind of force I´m pulled into my own room I try to fight it get myself loose when I´m almost there I´m lifted up and as I fell down I watched the last one smile and laugh as he passed through the door and the last thing I remember is falling on to the steps of the stairs then I woke up. I couldnt go back to sleep that night one experience can be questioned but now there were two of the same nature so I more and more began to believe it was real that something is going on and I needed to know why, why me why now did I do something to anger these beings? where they good where they bed what are their intensions judging by the dream I thought they didnt want me any good only bad but I didnt know why but I was scared and upset then I became angry and swore that id find out why this is happening so I started digging deeper resource took over my life and I became nothing more then paranoid I always thought the moment id close my eyes fall asleep dream that they would appear after two experiences I felt richer like if the next came id be more ready I could look for signs I missed even try asking them what they want because in my other dreams they have communicated shown expressions so maybe just asking straight out could work.
Just saving this here until I can continue 
© 2015 - 2024 gunnlaugur
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